Flute Lessons Perth Testimonial 1
“Helen has been teaching our 10-year-old for the past 4 months. Since the beginning of our time with Helen our daughter has gone from being a child who had to be constantly reminded to practice, to a child who wants to practice. She really loves having Helen for a teacher and wants to impress her through hard work and perseverance. Helen doesn’t put pressure on her at all, but through her positive reinforcement we now have a child who we feel could go a long way with her music because she wants to, not because she feels like she has to.
During our time with Helen we’ve found her to be very professional but also warm. Coming from an ex-teacher that never made the experience of lessons very personal to our child, it has been such a breath of fresh air to have someone who’s interested in our child’s wellbeing. Another example of this is when our daughter displays anxiety at the thought of public performances, and Helen is quick to calm her down and put her mind at ease. Having been a flute teacher for so many years and being an experienced performer, she’s quick to settle her down and have her focus on the task at hand.
During the first few weeks Helen identified that my daughter’s flute wasn’t tuned correctly and during that time let us borrow one of hers to practice on. Unfortunately, we ended up needing a whole new flute, but Helen counselled us through which one to buy and where was best to buy one from, all the while still letting us borrow hers. She was happy to help, and we never felt like an inconvenience.
Our daughter would never have imagined she’d be applying for a scholarship, much less performing so well to earn herself one. However, with the knowledge and patience imparted by Helen we were happy to find ourselves in this situation. As a student our daughter had the ability but needed it unlocked and nurtured, which Helen did so well.”
Name Withheld (March, 2019)
Flute Lessons Perth Testimonial 2
“My daughter has recently started her flute lessons with Ms Helen McLaughlin-Jones, following one year and a half in the school’s SIM program. Helen is an outstanding experienced flute teacher who possesses an abundance of in-depth knowledge and skills in the instrument. My daughter immediately expressed her interests in leaning flute with Helen as she could feel the understanding and encouragement that Helen has offered, providing her with a sense of pride and accomplishment. My daughter really enjoys her flute lessons and has benefitted from Helen’s engaging teaching style. We are so grateful for Helen’s help and delighted to recommend her to other parents and children…Words cannot express our gratitude for your help and support.”
Name Withheld (June, 2019)
Flute Lessons Perth Testimonial 3
“I have known Helen McLaughlin-Jones for 14 years and Helen has been my son’s flute teacher for 5 years. I first moved from South Perth to Nedlands in 2001. On walking home from the local IGA I chanced upon an old friend, (name withheld), walking his dog.
“Hi, what brings you so far from home?” I queried,
“I bring my daughter out here for flute lessons” he replied.
“But surely there are good flute teachers around South Perth, ” I exclaimed.
“Yes, there are, but I asked around extensively and I was told that Helen is the best there is!”
When (name withheld) was in Year 4 at Nedlands Primary School he wanted to play the flute in the School band but all the SIMs places for flute had been taken. I then recalled my conversation with (name withheld) and decided to have him taught privately. Fortunately, Helen agreed to enrol him as one of her pupils and he began lessons on 13 September 2011.
My son made such spectacular progress under Helen’s tuition that my wife and I decided to sit him for the entrance audition and theory tests for the Gifted and Talented Education and Music program at Churchlands Senior High School on 18 June 2013. To our delight and great joy he won a scholarship to a highly prestigious music school in & very competitive placement after less than two years tuition on the flute. Although my son is a talented musician I attribute a large share of his success to Helen’s vast experience, technical skill and special empathy and rapport with her students. After much serious consideration of all factors we decided to decline the offer of the prestigious scholarship because it would mean discontinuing lessons With Helen Which we want to maintain right through to ATAR in Year 12.
I have been a High School Teacher for over 20 years and I have taught a large variety of subjects in the city and the country as well as interstate and overseas. I have sat in on some of Helen’s lessons and I have been very impressed with her lesson planning and presentation. My son is always keen and enthusiastic when going to Helen’s lessons and when he leaves he feels ten feet tall and has ambitions to be the next James Galway.
Helen would an invaluable asset to any school. Please do not hesitate to call me if I can be of further assistance.”
Name Witheld (B Econs UWA, Grad Dip Comp Ed Edith Cowan) (November 1, 2015)
Flute Lessons Perth Testimonial 4
“My daughter has had the marvellous opportunity to have Helen McLaughlin-Jones instruct her in Flute.
She has made fantastic progress from an initial level to her current competency due to Helen’s diligence, vast experience and empathy with her students.
Her professional music and teaching background is evident in her methodological approach and intuitive insight to flute instruction.
Her communications with myself as a parent on my daughter’s progress and needs has been excellent.
Her outstanding progress in Flute has been noted by her Primary school music teachers and her music peer group.
I confidently endorse and support Helen in any teaching venture and can be contacted if required to discuss.”
Name withheld (October 4, 2015)
Flute Lessons Perth Testimonial 5
“Helen has been the flute teacher for our son from the ages of 10-13 years, over the last 3 years. During this time we been very impressed with the quality of her tuition.
In the early stages we would on occasion take the opportunity to sit in on his lessons. She has always exhibited a very patient approach whilst at the same time paying great attention to aspects of his technique which required focus, development and consolidation. She would always maintain his full attention (not always easily achieved in a 10 or eleven year old boy!), to a large extent enabled by the wonderful teacher student relationship which she has forged with our son. We have observed a similar positive relationship between Helen and her other students.
In addition to his weekly lessons Helen has also provided him with the opportunity to play in a weekly flute ensemble with a selection of her other students providing him with the fantastic opportunity of making music with others. Our son has progressed greatly in his flute playing and musicianship under her tutelage. We recommend Helen highly as a flute teacher.”
Dr (Name withheld) MBBS FRACP PhD / Dr (Name withheld) MBBS FRACP (27th November, 2015)
Flute Lessons Perth Testimonial 6
“I would like to thank you for teaching my daughter the flute. Since starting lessons with you she has not only improved her technique and ability but her love for the flute has grown.
Your professionalism and patience has made it a pleasure to deal with you and I would not hesitate in recommending you as a teacher to anyone looking to learn the flute. I am sad that we are moving interstate as I know she will miss you very much.”
Name Withheld (November, 2015)
Flute Lessons Perth Testimonial 7
“It gives me great pleasure to write a letter of support for Helen McLaughlin-Jones, flute teacher for our two children.
Helen has been teaching them the flute since they first commenced learning the instrument at around the age of 8 (over the course of the last 10 years). During this time Helen has progressed them both along appropriately according to their age, ability and differing interest levels. Both of them have thoroughly enjoyed the experience of learning the instrument and the camaraderie instilled by Helen in her students.
They have both developed into confident players with reported strong techniques and excellent tonal ability by their respective school music tutors. In fact (name withheld), despite deciding not to take Music as a Year 11/12 ATAR subject, was chosen by the Director of Music at St Hilda’s Anglican School for Girls to perform solo at their “Concerto Night” in both her Year 11 and Year 12, which was a great honour and testament of ability, not only for my daughter herself but also for Helen as her private flute teacher.
In addition to their individual private lessons, Helen has coordinated small flute ensemble groups at both Junior and Senior levels for several years now, consisting of several of her flute students from around the area. The flute ensembles meet weekly during the term and have given the students the experience of playing together as a group, with occasional performance opportunities to a wider audience as well, which has been invaluable for helping students to develop their performance techniques outside of lessons.
Helen and all her students have an excellent rapport. Evidence of the relationship she has with her students is the high regard they hold for her and the enjoyment they display whilst playing (or the reticence they display to going home at the end of practise!). From a parental viewpoint, having Helen as a teacher for our children has been a dream come true. Helen is helpful, accommodating, and friendly and always puts her students first. She has a very patient nature and a strong sense of fun with the students. In our opinion Helen’s teaching ability is also of the highest order.
During the time I have known Helen I have found her conduct and character to be exemplary and would highly recommend her as a flute teacher. I would be happy to provide any further information and can be contacted direct on mobile (withheld) if required.”
Name withheld (2nd August, 2015)
Flute Lessons Perth Testimonial 8
“I believe Helen McLaughlin-Jones is a tremendous influence and teacher for my 17-year-old daughter. She has been my daughter’s flute teacher for 9 years and I highly recommend her. She has always encouraged and supported my daughter throughout the years. Her kind but determined nature has helped her to excel in her music. My daughter has great respect for Helen and highly values her input; trusting her to be honest, encouraging and constructive.
Helen always challenges my daughter to achieve greater. It was through Helen’s work that when she applied for entry into the Music program at Churchlands they accepted her into the Gifted And Talented Programme. Her tuition has been especially important for my daughter as a year 12 GATE Music students at Churchlands Senior High, preparing her well for her practical exams by giving her a broad repertoire with a high standard for year 12 WACE.
Over the years Helen has created a happy, positive environment in which to learn. Helen has a strong ethic of correctly practicing the music pieces and has instilled this into my daughter. She a holistic teaching plan that helped my daughter to work around her busy schedule and when issues arise in home practise Helen was quick to assist. Helen has always encouraged her participation in a flute ensemble, which increased her confidence in performing and consequently allowed her to excel and revel in music.
She has worked hard to help get my daughter through times of discouragement. Things like when her tonguing needed persistent problem solving. Helen worked tirelessly and admirably until the solution was found. Braces was introduced in year 11 and removed in year 12 and my daughter had to relearn all aspects of her flute playing that she had previously mastered. Helen’s support and belief in her was invaluable to encourage her to persist to acquire her tone and technique and to get back to a good standard.
To her credit, in all this Helen has remained professional. She has given my daughter a good, well rounded foundation in flute and has worked with her strengths and worked on her weaknesses to produce a high standard. She has helped her prepare for the many tests and exams faced by music students in Churchlands. Because of Helen’s tuition my daughter has achieved a great performance of the Faure Fantaisie at presentation night; and a received a verbal offer from the Army band after a combined performance with Churchlands’ Wind Orchestra 1 and the Army Band.
As a parent, Helen has always been willing to listen to me about my concerns in relation to my daughter’s situation and I have valued her input. My daughter always enjoys Helen’s knowledge and resources in music and I know that anyone who is taught by Helen will do very well.”
Name Withheld (2nd October, 2015)
Flute Lessons Perth Testimonial 9
“Helen has taught our daughter (now in Grade 9) the flute for the past 6 years and has been a consistent, reliable and enthusiastic ‘touchstone’ during that time. I remember Helen, when she started teaching our daughter outlining her guiding principles – that music is a gift to be shared with others and self esteem and ability can be helped through learning music. Helen did this by encouraging her pupils to play together and enjoy their skill and music openly with others. Helen’s energy and belief in this direction appears never to have waned – at least in her interactions with our daughter, ourselves and in her regular concerts. Each year the quality of the music at the Christmas show has clearly improved.
Importantly, Helen’s belief in her pupils’ capacity and constant encouragement has helped our daughter enormously. Other parents, I know, share this perception with the pupils and parents remaining remarkably loyal over the last few years, the same pupils every year showing again how much they have improved. Helen’s ‘working model’ that performing in public can improve her pupils social confidence and their belief in themselves is manifest in these concerts. When our daughter started PLC in grade 7 she continued to see Helen in the evening despite having the choice of a teacher in school within school hours.
On an important practical level, Helen has been easy, and remarkably flexible, to deal with when we have had questions or particularly in finding timetables that can suit us all. Helen has been reliable and given us lots of notice when timetable changes, cancellations or clashes are likely to occur. She also runs on time. Helen’s communication at all levels, from the practical to the more esoteric, have been good. However it is Helen’s clear enjoyment of playing and teaching the flute that stands out. Her enthusiasm and belief in her vocation is powerful and certainly kept our daughter engaged.
If Helen uses this testimonial in any job application I am happy to recommend her to any school or institute that is looking for a talented, reliable and organised music teacher.”
Dr (Name withheld) (8th of April, 2004)
Flute Lessons Perth Testimonial 10
“Helen taught my daughter our daughter flute from the age of 7 years to 13 years. Helen was a very nurturing and positive teacher and always encouraged my daughter to enjoy playing her flute and to challenge herself to play the best she could.
Helen assisted my daughter with a number of both primary school and secondary school activities and was involved in teaching her in a primary school ensemble as well. During that time period, our daughter was a finalist in the Primary Instrumental Solo category in the Catholic Performing Arts Festival as a Year 4 and Year 5 student. She was also the successful winner of the Primary Instrumental Soloist Shield as a Year 6 in 2013 and played at the Concert Hall as a result.
Helen also assisted our daughter in 2013 in preparation for her audition for a music scholarship for lona Presentation College, which was ultimately successful. She also assisted our daughter in her preparation for her roles in the lona Musical Production Orchestra for “Hello Dolly” in 2014 and “The Wiz” in 2015.
During 2014 and 2015 she also assisted with preparation of our daughter’s pieces for the lona Concert Band performances for internal school performances and music festival performances, as well as solo pieces for the 2014 lona Music Recital Night and the Senior Music Soiree at which our daughter was invited to perform.
For a period of 18 months in 2012-13 Helen also taught my younger daughter the flute and for a period of time taught her in an ensemble. During this period Helen encouraged and developed our daughter’s interest in music and continued to encourage her after she took up the clarinet with another teacher. Her early involvement with Helen helped develop her ability to read music and to enjoy playing with others in trios and ensembles and was an asset to her with her clarinet playing.”
(Name withheld) (2015)
Flute Lessons Perth Testimonial 11
Dear Helen, our journey to Australia has been rewarded by us finding you, the best flute teacher ever. Thank you for all your time, dedication and kindness. Thank you for your support with our daughter’s flute playing and her journey in life.
(Name withheld), Year 9, December 2015
Flute Lessons Perth Testimonial 12
Helen, there are not enough synonyms for amazing in the English language to describe you. I always look forward to our weekly lessons. Our lessons are always filled with laughter, learning and wisdom and you always leave me feeling happy and excited about learning the flute. I am in a state of awe every time you pick up your flute and you are my number one inspiration to be a better flute player and a better person. I am extremely grateful for all the support, advice and guidance you have given me over the past five years to make me a better flute player. You have not only passed on a love of music and the skill to play the flute but you have also passed on a friendship that I treasure greatly. You deserve all the figs in the world :). Thanks Helen, you are so much more than a flute teacher.
(Name withheld) Age 15. Iona Presntation College, May 2018
Helen is a great flute teacher. She is fun and interesting and has lots of experience. I had my AMEB exam a few weeks ago and it went really well. I got an A+. I couldn’t have done it without Helen.
She takes her time when you are learning new things so you understand it well and play it nicely. Helen is a wonderful flute teacher to learn from.
(Name withheld) Age 10. Freshwater Bay Primary School Claremont, October 2016
Flute Lessons Perth Testimonial 14
Helen is the best flute teacher. She gives you time when you blow your flute and teaches you techniques that you need to develop. When I first met Helen I was having difficulty with my posture but throughout the past few lessons thanks to Helen I have improved my posture and other techniques used when blowing the flute. Also Helen has helped me with my counting which I wasn’t confident about before my lessons with her. Helen has helped me overall with my counting by teaching me to clap the beat together with her and encouraging me and playing the pieces together with me. In conclusion thank you Helen.
(Name withheld) Age 10. St Thomas Primary School. Claremont, October 2016
Flute Lessons Perth Testimonial 15
Dear Helen, thanks for everything you’ve done for me. You’ve cheered me up on my darkest of days, rekindled my passion for the flute and most of all, just given me the support I’ve needed to improve my flute playing.
This year I’ve found out that you’re more than just a flute teacher – you’re a friend and inspiration to me. If I grow up and embody any of the values you epitomize, I will be a very happy chappy.
I always count down the days to my flute lessons, as I always have so much fun, and you leave me in stitches. So thanks for everything, love, support, inspiration and induction to flute ensemble, and I can’t wait to keep flute playing in the future.
(Name withheld) Age 15. Year 10, December 2013
Flute Lessons Perth Testimonial 16
Dear Helen, the amazing, astonishing and awe inspiring flute genius, for the time I have been lucky enough to be taught by you I have really cherished every single lesson. Your helpful advice and gentle nudging has totally transformed my playing and for this I am forever grateful to you. Words can’t express the gratitude I have for you as you soldiered on with so much patience to make sure I am where I am today. Helen you have really touched me and I only hope to one day be half of what you are.
(Name withheld), Age 16, Year 11, January 2016
Flute Lessons Perth Testimonial 17
Helen, my time with you as my teacher has been amazing and truly unforgettable. All ten years of it. I’m so excited to be starting the next phase of my musical journey at the University of Melbourne Conservatorium of Music but I know without doubt if it hadn’t been for you and your uncompromising attention to detail and commitment to my playing I would never have gotten this far, into my dream course.
I will honestly miss you so much when I move to Melbourne Helen but I will remember you for the rest of my life. Thank you for agreeing to continue on teaching me on skype until my lessons with my new teacher start. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart, it’s been an unforgettable journey.
(Name withheld) Age 17, Year 12 Completed, January 2017
Flute Lessons Perth Testimonial 18
The flute is a beautiful instrument. Everything about it. But when you decide at 60 to actually learn to play one, it’s a bit daunting at first. Who am I kidding? Am I going to make a fool of myself? Am I going to be disappointed? Was it just a dream?
After my first lesson with Helen, I had just one question left unanswered. Why hadn’t I done this earlier?
Helen’s great. When I’m with her in class I just know that this is going to be MY time with Helen. I know that she’s feeling what I’m feeling. It’s MY fingers that are being guided to recognise those keys, it’s MY breath that’s being trained to play those notes. I feel nurtured, guided and inspired. And I WANT to play better. Because it makes me happy. And because I know that it makes Helen happy. I guess that’s a good way to feel about your teacher.
Sure, I still have that one unanswered question. But it doesn’t matter. I’m making music. Thank you, Helen.The flute is a beautiful instrument. And Helen’s a wonderful teacher.
(Name withheld), March 2018
“I am pleased to recommend Helen Mclaughlin-Jones highly as a flute teacher and most diligent person. I’ve known her for over 25 years since she was my student at the Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School and I have been able to follow her professional path with much pride.
She is an outstanding flute teacher and not only extremely dedicated but very thorough, giving her students a depth of training rarely experienced even in the most prominent tertiary Institutions. I have been able to personally observe this in several students that had moved from Perth to Melbourne to study with me. It was a pleasure to teach them because they had been taught so well before by Helen. She equips them with a solid technique and a profound understanding of a wide variety of musical styles. They also have excellent breath control, excellent tonguing together with impeccable intonation and a wide range of dynamics and tonal colours.
On occasion of a public master class I gave in Perth I observed the standard of her students’ flute playing and musicianship. It was very impressive and they performed much better than some of the university students.
Helen will make any School proud of its flute students.”
(Thomas Pinschof) Lecturer in Flute, Head of Woodwind Victorian College of the Arts (retired) (2015)
“Helen McLaughlin has been a part time music teacher at Deepdene Primary School since the inception of the Deepdene Instrumental Music program at the beginning of 1988. During this time Helen has been responsible for the flute tuition of over twenty students, most of whom have continued their flute studies with Helen during this time. When the children have been ready Ms. McLaughlin has entered students for the Australian Music Examination Board examinations with every child attaining A Grades.
This year Helen formed a successful flute ensemble which studied 5 wide range of music including a piece from the Year 12 V.C.E. Music B list. This group made a number of public performances including; Shopping Town – Education week performance, Deepdene Fireworks Fete Musical Entertainment; School Assembly; School Music Concert at Camberwell Civic Centre before over 2000 people and the end of year Flute Concert.
Each year at the School Music Concert Helen McLaughlin has performed solos of her own. Miss McLaughlin in has been a reliable member of staff and has maintained a close and good rapport with her students and has always kept the office informed if there are any variation to the scheduled lessons.
I commend Helen McLaughlin to you both as a performer and a fine flute teacher.
I wish her well in her career.”
Helen J. Williams PRINCIPAL (December 18, 1990)
To book a free half-hour lesson or to make an inquiry please fill in your details in the Inquiry Box to the left.
You can also phone us direct on:
Phone: 0423 859 995
Email: flutelessonsperth@gmail.com