Making a flute out of a walking stick


You can make a musical instrument out of pretty much anything – a stick of bamboo, a blade of grass or even a carrot. But check out this enterprising musician, who managed to make a flute out of his dad’s walking stick.

By removing the bottom half of both a walking stick and a flute, flautist Zac Zinger (what a stage name!) creates a brand-new instrument that he plays a bit like a recorder.

He slots the two upper parts together and uses the small holes in the walking stick to change notes. The sound then comes out like a slightly airier flute.

Zac explains that the idea came about when his dad had an operation. “My dad just had hip surgery and is getting around with a cane. But I think I found a better use for it.”

Dedicated to his dad, Zac called his tune ‘Song For My Father’. Aww.