Students of Flute Lessons Perth have received many scholarships, awards, AMEB (Australian Music Examination Board) certificates and solo performance opportunities. Here are some of our achievements over the last twenty five years.
Flute Lessons Perth offers school students the option to compete for Music Scholarships and Bursaries at the secondary schools which they are interested in attending. To date Flute Lessons Perth boasts a high success rate across the years at these auditions. Depending on the school, Music Scholarships can provide up to 75 per cent remission of academic tuition fees (private schools) and generally 100 per cent of music fees (these figures can be subject to means testing).
The pre-requisites for Music Scholarships vary from school to school but on average students who wish to compete for a Music Scholarship are expected to be playing music which is approximately AMEB Grade IV Standard. Pre-requisites for Music Bursaries are lower than those necessary for Scholarships but on the whole Bursaries do not offer remission of academic tuition fees. Depending on the school these scholarships are tenable for three to five years.
Flute Lessons Perth students have obtained Music Scholarships to the following schools:
Chisholm College (One Student)
Christchurch Grammar School (Two Students, One Bursary)
Churchlands Gifted and Talented Specialist Music Program (Five Students)
Iona Presentation College Perth (Five Students)
Methodist Ladies’ College (Four Students)
Penrhos College Perth (Two Students)
Perth College Anglican School (One Student)
Perth Modern Gifted and Talented Specialist Music Program (Two Students)
Presbyterian Ladies College (Seven students)
Scotch College Perth (One student)
Seton Catholic College (One Student)
St Brigid’s College (Three Students)
St Hilda’s Anglican School for Girls (Two Students)
St Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School (Three Students, One Bursary)
University High School Melbourne (One Student)
AMEB Grades
For students wishing to gain experience and build upon what they have learned in lessons, Flute Lessons Perth prepares students to sit for AMEB (Australian Music Examination Board) exams in flute and Theory of Music.
AMEB Flute Exam Levels completed so far by Flute Lessons Perth students range from Preliminary to Grade 8. The majority of students have been awarded Certificates of Excellence (awarded to students who receive A+ in their exams). Flute Lessons Perth has also taught Music Theory to flute students wishing to sit AMEB Music Theory exams. AMEB theory levels achieved so far by students range from Grade 1 to Grade 6.
Year 12 Flute and Tertiary Flute Studies
Over the years Helen McLaughlin-Jones has helped 31 private students prepare for and sit their Year 12 flute practical exams. Students have sat year 12 TEE exams, WACE exams, HSC exams and SACE exams. Having sat Year 12 exams some students have also auditioned on Flute (and piccolo) for entry to tertiary music courses.
To date four students have gained entry to the West Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA) Bachelor of Music Performance degree while five have gained entry to the University of Western Australia (UWA) Bachelor of Music Performance Degree. Six students have gained entry to the UWA bachelor of Music Education Degree.
School Solo Performances
Many Flute Lessons Perth students take the opportunity to perform at public concerts run by their schools as well as those concerts run by Helen McLaughlin-Jones. Senior students are often represented at school end of year Concerto Nights and end of year Music Concerts and Christmas Concerts where they perform solo with orchestral accompaniment.
Flute Lessons Perth junior, intermediate and senior students are also well represented every year at their respective school house arts day music competitions designed to showcase students’ talents playing solo or as members of ensembles. While participation is in itself highly encouraged it is worth noting that the majority of students who participate in these school competitions are awarded first place.
For example, at the Presbyterian Ladies College Arts Day competitions, twenty one students have competed with fifteen being awarded first place and six awarded second place. Eleven of these students have come first place five years in a row competing in beginner, intermediate and senior heats.
Performing Arts Festival
Since Flute Lessons Perth has been teaching students from St Thomas Primary school in Claremont, nine students have competed at the Catholic Schools Performing Arts Festival with the majority of students achieving Honorable Mentions for their performances in the Instrumental Solo Category.
One of these students was a finalist in this category in Year 4 and Year 5 and went on to win the overall winner across all instrument categories to gain the Primary Instrumental Soloist Shield as only a Year 6. As a result she was given the honour to play her piece on stage at the Perth Concert Hall.
School Concert Bands, School Flute Ensembles, School Orchestras
While all Flute Lessons Perth students have the opportunity to play in private ensembles run by Helen McLaughlin-Jones, the majority of students additionally elect to play in their respective school music groups. Over the years Flute Lessons Perth students have played in Bands, Flute groups and Orchestras run by schools in Perth. We have been represented by students playing in groups such as:
Chisholm College, Orchestra and Concert Band
Christ Church Grammar School Concert Band, Orchestra, Jazz Band
Churchlands High School, Concert Band, Orchestra, Flute Ensemble
Churchlands High School, Wind Ensemble, Orchestra, Concert Band
Iona Presentation College Flute Choir, Concert Band, Orchestra, Musical Production Orchestra
Mercedes College Perth, Orchestra and Concert Band
Methodist Ladies’ College Orchestra, Concert Band, Touring Orchestra
Nedlands Primary School Bands
Penrhos College Perth, Flute Ensemble and Concert Bands
Perth College Anglican School for Girls, Concert Bands
Perth Modern School Orchestra, Concert Band
Presbyterian Ladies College Perth, all 3 Concert Bands and combined PLC and Scotch College Band
Rossmoyne Senior High School, Concert Band
Scotch College Perth Symphony Orchestra, School Band, combined PLC and Scotch College Band
Seton Catholic College, Concert Bands, Flute Ensemble
Shenton College Concert Band
St Brigid’s College School Bands, Flute Ensemble
St Hilda’s Anglican School for Girls, Orchestra and Band
St Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School, Orchestra and Concert band
St Thomas Primary School Band
Swanbourne Primary School Band
Flute Ensembles
At Flute Lessons Perth all students in AMEB Grade two and above are given the opportunity to play in Flute Lessons Perth weekly ensemble classes, trios or quartets.
To date the following number of students have played in these groups:
Flute Lessons Perth Junior Flute Ensembles (56 Students).
Flute Lessons Perth Intermediate Flute Ensembles (32 Students).
Flute Lessons Perth Senior Flute Ensembles (44 Students).
Students who have graduated and become Flute Teachers
Flute Lessons Perth is passionate about improving the quality of flute teachers in and around Perth. As such, in addition to their tertiary music courses Flute Lessons Perth is committed to coaching and supporting students wishing to pursue careers as flute teachers. So far six Flute Lessons Perth students teach the flute both privately and in schools around Perth.
Helen McLaughlin-Jones has over the years taught private students from a range of primary and secondary schools (both Government and Private) in Perth and Interstate. The the majority of students have had face to face lessons with some students continuing on skype after moving interstate or overseas. Flute students have come from schools such as:
Balwyn High School
Booragoon Primary School
Chisholm College
Christchurch Grammar School
Churchlands High School
Dalkeith Primary
Deepdene Primary School, Melbourne
Freshwater Bay Primary School
Glen Iris Primary School
Iona Presentation College Perth
John XXIII College
MacRobertson Girls’ High School, Melbourne
Mercedes College Perth
Methodist Ladies’ College Perth
Nedlands Primary School
Penrhos College Perth
Perth College Anglican School for Girls
Perth Modern School
Presbyterian Ladies College Perth
Quintilian School
Rossmoyne Senior High School
Scotch College Perth
Seton Catholic College
Shenton College
St Aloysius’ College NSW
St Brigid’s College, Perth
St Catherine’s School Toorak Melbourne
St Hilda’s Anglican School for Girls
St Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School
St Peter’s Girls, Adelaide
St Thomas Primary
Strathfield Girls High School NSW
Swanbourne Primary
University High School Melbourne
Walford Anglican School for Girls, South Australia
To book a free half-hour lesson or to make an inquiry please fill in your details in the Inquiry Box to the left.
You can also phone us direct on:
Phone: 0423 859 995
Email: flutelessonsperth@gmail.com