Free introductory half hour
At FLP we know that learning the flute can be a big step. To help you decide we offer a 30 min free introductory lesson.
Flute Hire
To assist students can also hire flutes from me. If they continue they are able to borrow music from our extensive music library!
Learning the Flute in Perth
I am Helen McLaughlin-Jones and I am the musical director of Flute Lessons Perth. I am enthusiastic and passionate about sharing this gift of playing the flute with others, children of all ages and adults alike (see testimonials).
I believe that anyone can learn to play the flute whether or not they have any background in music. All you need is desire, commitment, and the correct teacher.
I have been offering Perth flute lessons now for 30 years. I have taught hundreds of students mostly in Australia but also some overseas (see testimonials).
The office is located in Bibra Lake, 15 minutes from the city. We also offer online flute lessons option where you can learn via Skype or Zoom.
Helen’s Background
I began my career after studying at the Victorian College of the Arts School in Melbourne. Following this I studied at the West Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAPPA) and performed as a soloist under Brian Warren (a colleague of Sir James Galway, the number one flautist in the world). I was invited by Sir James Galway to play with him at his internationally televised master class in Weggis Switzerland.
When I began teaching the flute, my aim was then, as it is now, to provide professional, highly rewarding and enjoyable flute lessons to students of all ages. Bringing the gift of music to others through teaching the flute is my vocation in life and I am happy and eager at the prospect of sharing this gift with you.

“High school music students have been shown to hold higher grade point averages (GPA) than non-musicians in the same school.”
(National Educational Longitudinal Study, 1988)
About Us
Free Assessment Lesson
Flute Lessons Perth is taking new students. If you would like to book a free half hour assessment lesson or contact us to see how we can help you then please click on the button below.
You can also phone us direct on:
Phone: 0423 859 995